Thursday, April 15, 2010

Crestview High: Love A Man or Lose A Friend

*It began on a breezy summer day. School was back in session and Courtney was eager to see old friends and possibly some new faces. Courtney and her bestfriend Ashley made their way to Crestview High anticipating their exciting day.

Court: Oh my gosh Ash! I wonder if there will be any cute boys this year. Lord knows I need to be surrounded by someone new.

Ash: (laughs) Now, now, now Courtney. Everyone knows that you couldn't snag a cute boy if you hooked him on a fishing pole. Girl you don't have game!

Court: (Grrrr) Yea right Ashley! I have game. I bet you could get a cute boy. (sigh) If only Crestview offered somebody that met my standards.

Ash: Well hopefully God will work some kind of miracle by time we arrive at school.

Court: (shaking her head) Yes I know, but that would be too much like the right thing to do. We shall see.

*Arrives at school. The sun is shining all across the campus and just as they expected and hoped, there were new faces all over. However, there was one new irresistable face that caught the attention of Courtney and Ashley.

Ash: Holy crap! Who the hell is that?

Court: You took the words right out of my mouth!

Ash: Oh gosh Courtney, I saw him first.

Court: No you did not, I did. You always do this Ash.

Ash: Excuseeeeeee me. I always do what? Last time I checked I said "Holy crap! Who the hell is that" first!

Court: MMmmmHmmm whatever! Just know that he's mine. I wonder who he is? Is he single? Does he like me? Oh gosh Im in love.

Ash: Girl please pick your jaw up off the ground.

Court: Give me until the end of the day. I bet I'll know everything about him even his blood type.

Ash: (laughing) okay stalker. Have a good day!

* Both girls depart with one thing on their mind. Who is the new guy in town and how can they snag him first?
(Bell rings)

Ash: Sheesh I made it to class just in the knick of time.

Teacher: Good morning class. I hope everyone has had a wonderful vacation. now it is time to get back to the academics. I believe we have a new student here at Crestview. Will you please stand and introduce yourself?

Shawn: Ummm hey everyone. My name is Shawn and I just moved here from New York to play basketball for Crestview.

Ash: (gasp and mumbles) Thats the boy from this morning. i didn't even see him when I walked in.

Teacher: Okay thanks for sharing with the class Shawn. I hope everyone will reach out to Shawn and help his transition to Crestview very smooth.

Ash: (sigh) I must have Shawn but how will I keep him away from Courtney?

*Class ends and the students exit the room.

Ash: Hey Shawn! wait up.

Shawn: Umm hey (holds out his hand for a handshake)

Ash: Hey my name is Ashley. Just wanted to introduce myself.

Shawn: (chuckles) that was very nice.This school is pretty big. I hope I don't get lost.

Ash: Well if you want I can give you a little tour before our next class starts.

Shawn: That would be awesome. Thanks

*As Shawn and Ashley walk around the halls of Crestview High, Ashley feels like she is sitting on top of the world. Her emotional high is instantly interrupted when they unexpectedly runs into her bestfriend Courtney.

Court: Hey Ash wait up! Oh my gosh. Ash is with my man.

Ash: Ugh! Here comes Courtney. Please do not mind my bestfriend Shawn. She's pretty crazy.

Shawn: (laughs) okay.

*Courtney approaches them

Court: Umm Ash who is your friend?

Ash: (mumbles) Court this is Shawn. He's new here. Shawn this is my friend Courtney.

Court: Nice to meet you Shawn. If you would like I would be happy to show you around.

Ash: Excuse me Court but before we were rudely interrupted, thats what I was doing.

Court: Oh well excuse me. Let me not interrupt you any longer. Shawn why don't you just take my number down just in case you have any unanswered questions about Crestview. I'll be more than happy to help you out.

Shawn: Okay I guess that would be great. You two are being very helpful. I really appreciate it.
Ash: Well since I'm already showing you around why don't I just give you my number. Courtney don't you have somewhere to go?

Court: Ash why do you keep trying to brush me off? All I'm trying to do is be helpful to Shawn. Chill out please.

Ash: (laughs) Can you excuse us for a minute Shawn?

*Pulls Courtney to the side.

Ash: What the hell are you doing? I told you Shawn was mine!

Court: And I told you that he was mine! I saw him first Ashley. Stop being a slut and back off!

Ash: (screaming) I cannot believe we are actually sitting here arguing over a boy. I saw him first so you need to just give up!!!

*Shawn overhears the entire conversation and immediately comes over to intervene

Shawn: Whoa Whoa Whoa! What is going on over here?

Court: Nothing at all. Just a little misunderstanding. It is all taken care of now. Ashley had a hard time comprehending a few things but we're cool now.

Ash: What the hell Courtney. You cannot be serious!

Shawn: I couldn't help but to overhear your conversation. It seems like both of you like me but honestly I'm not into females. Im a homosexual. I only date guys. Sorry if I leaded you two on the wrong way. Maybe I should get to my last class.

Court: Oh wow! I feel like we both just got smacked in the face. I was not expecting that from him.

Ash: You and me both. I can't believe we were ready to ruin our friendship over a boy. It never should've went this far.

Court: I agree. I apologize. Boys should be the last thing that we are concerned about right now. I should be trying to get focused with my school work. Never again bestfriend!

Ash: Never again.

*The bell rings and Courtney and Ashley hurries on to their next class.


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